
How Thick Can You Cast Aluminium? Understanding the Limits of Aluminium Casting

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Aluminium casting is a widely used manufacturing process that allows for the production of intricate and durable parts used in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, and construction. One of the key questions often asked by manufacturers and engineers is: How thick can aluminium be cast? The answer to this depends on several factors, including the casting method, the alloy used, and the intended application of the part.

In this article, we will explore the thickness limits of aluminium casting, the factors that affect these limits, and the best practices to achieve the desired thickness while ensuring high-quality results.

Factors That Determine the Maximum Thickness of Aluminium Castings

Several key factors influence the maximum thickness of an aluminium casting. These include the type of casting process, the aluminium alloy used, the complexity of the part, and the cooling rate. Let’s take a closer look at each factor:

1. Casting Method

The casting method plays a crucial role in determining how thick you can cast aluminium. Different casting techniques have different capabilities when it comes to the maximum thickness of the cast part.

  • Gravity Die Casting: In gravity die casting, molten aluminium is poured into a reusable metal mold. The maximum thickness for gravity die casting is generally limited to around 25 to 50 mm (1 to 2 inches). This is because thicker sections can lead to issues with solidification and porosity. However, the actual thickness can vary depending on the specific casting process and alloy used.
  • Low Pressure Die Casting: This method involves applying low pressure to the molten aluminium to force it into the mold cavity. Low pressure die casting can achieve thicker sections compared to gravity die casting, with thicknesses of up to 50 to 75 mm (2 to 3 inches) being possible. This method is often used for producing parts that require thicker walls without compromising structural integrity.
  • High Pressure Die Casting: This method uses high pressure to inject molten aluminium into the mold at very high speed. While it’s excellent for producing thin-walled parts with high precision, it is typically not suitable for thick sections. High pressure die casting is generally limited to less than 10 mm (0.4 inches) in thickness for most applications.
  • Sand Casting: Sand casting, or green sand casting, involves pouring molten metal into a sand mold. This process is very versatile and can accommodate thicker sections, with castings reaching thicknesses of up to 150 mm (6 inches) or more in some cases. Sand casting is ideal for large parts or prototypes that require greater thickness.

2. Aluminium Alloy Selection

The type of aluminium alloy used can also impact the maximum thickness you can achieve. Some alloys are better suited for thick casting due to their fluidity, solidification characteristics, and cooling rates. For example:

  • Aluminium 356: A common alloy used for castings, it has good fluidity and is suitable for producing parts with moderate thicknesses.
  • Aluminium 319: Often used in sand casting, it has higher strength and can be cast into thicker sections compared to other alloys.
  • Aluminium 6061: While primarily used in wrought form, this alloy can also be cast into thicker sections when using gravity die casting or low pressure die casting.

Selecting the right alloy for your application is essential for ensuring that the casting process is efficient and that the final part meets the desired quality standards.

3. Cooling Rate

The rate at which the molten aluminium cools and solidifies is another important factor. When casting thicker sections, the cooling rate slows down, which can lead to defects such as shrinkage cavities or porosity. To mitigate these issues:

  • Proper Gating and Riser Design: The mold design should ensure that molten metal flows evenly and that there is adequate space for the metal to solidify without trapping air pockets.
  • Heat Treatment: Post-casting heat treatments can help reduce the effects of slow cooling and improve the mechanical properties of the final casting.

4. Part Complexity

Thicker sections can also be challenging to achieve in parts with complex geometries. Parts with intricate shapes, undercuts, or thin and thick sections (also known as hot spots) may have difficulty cooling evenly, leading to defects. For these parts, it’s important to:

  • Use controlled cooling techniques to ensure that the casting solidifies uniformly.
  • Design the part with uniform wall thicknesses to avoid casting defects.

What Are the Practical Limits for Aluminium Castings?

While the casting methods and alloy choices set the theoretical limits, practical considerations, such as cooling, mold design, and application requirements, often dictate the final thickness. Below is a summary of the typical thickness ranges based on different casting methods:

Casting MethodTypical Maximum ThicknessApplications
Gravity Die Casting25-50 mm (1-2 inches)Automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods parts with medium complexity.
Low Pressure Die Casting50-75 mm (2-3 inches)Automotive engine parts, aerospace components, large structural parts.
High Pressure Die Casting<10 mm (0.4 inches)High-precision, thin-walled parts such as housings and components for electronics.
Sand CastingUp to 150 mm (6 inches)Large, complex parts like engine blocks, pumps, and industrial components.

How to Achieve the Desired Thickness in Aluminium Castings

To cast aluminium parts with the desired thickness while maintaining quality, here are some best practices:

  • Optimize Mold Design: Ensure that the mold design is optimized for thick castings, with proper gating and riser systems to control the flow of molten metal and reduce the risk of defects.
  • Use Controlled Cooling: Implement controlled cooling techniques to reduce the risk of porosity and shrinkage defects, such as using chills or cooling lines in thicker sections.
  • Select the Right Alloy: Choose an alloy with good fluidity and solidification properties for thick sections. Consider alloys like 319 or 356 for thicker castings.
  • Consider Post-Casting Processes: If necessary, use post-casting heat treatments or machining to improve the final properties of thick castings.


The maximum thickness for aluminium castings depends on several factors, including the casting method, alloy choice, cooling rate, and part complexity. While gravity die casting typically allows for thicknesses up to 50 mm, and low pressure die casting can achieve 75 mm, sand casting offers the greatest flexibility, enabling thicknesses up to 150 mm or more.

Understanding these limits and following best practices in design, material selection, and process control will help ensure that you achieve high-quality, defect-free aluminium castings, regardless of the thickness required.

If you’re looking for expert aluminium casting solutions or need assistance in selecting the right casting method for your parts, contact us today. We can help you choose the best process and alloy to meet your specific requirements.

Contact Us for Aluminium Casting Solutions
Need high-quality aluminium castings for your projects? Our team specializes in gravity die casting, low pressure die casting, and sand casting to meet your needs.
Email Us for more information.

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